Calzones- Pre- Heat oven to 325º Remove from Wrapping bake 12-15 minutes on a baking sheet
Lentil Falafel-Pre- Heat oven to 325º Remove from freezer, place on a baking tray in oven about 10 minutes. Use Sauce when thawed. Suggested additions: Make a slaw with shredded cabbage and other seasonal vegetables, and fresh herbs like basil, cilantro and mint, use Green Curry Sauce as dressing.
Samosas- Pre- Heat oven to 350º Remove from freezer, place on a baking tray in oven about 12-15 minutes. Use Chutney For dipping when thawed.
Mushroom Pie– Frozen– Remove from container place on a baking tray Pre- Heat oven to 300º about 35 minutes or until filling is bubbling,
Refrigerated/defrosted Remove from container place on a baking tray Pre- Heat oven to 325º about 25 minutes or until filling is bubbling
Quiche- Frozen– Remove from container place on a baking tray Pre- Heat oven to 300º about 15 minutes
Refrigerated/defrosted Remove from container place on a baking tray Pre- Heat oven to 325º about 1
2-15 minutes
Soups- Defrost in Refrigerator, or leave on counter for 1 hour, place in a 2 qt soup pot heat on medium stirring constantly until just a simmer.